Andreas Ackerl „ In Holzangelegenheiten „ e.U.
location: Haltersteig 7, A-2451 Hof am Leithaberge
owner: A.A MSc Andreas Ackerl
mobile: 0043/660/1507286
responsible for content:
A.A MSc Andreas Ackerl
court according e-commerce:
Bezirksgericht Bruck/ Leitha
commercial register no. and court:
FN405630s, Landesgericht Korneuburg
member of the economical chamber of Lower Austria
companies‘ objects:
trading company ( GRNov 2007, Z 55 ) lt. § 154 and consulting including organization § 136
rules of engagement:
Austrian business rules
sales tax ID-number:
UID-Nr: ATU 68334901
Maria Aschbacher, MA
copyright of pictures and logo under the owner oft he company Andreas Ackerl „ in Holzangelegenheiten“ e.U.
The content of this homepage serves only for general information.
Although all contents are carefully checked I won’t take over any responsibility for correctness, completeness and actuality. Graphic arts, layout, fotos and texts of these pages are protected by
copyright. On demand I’d check the possibillity for a permission for a further usage.
All performing links are leading to external, foreign pages. For legal reasons I point out that I neither have influence on the content and design of the linked pages nor that I take over any guarantee for their contents.